Johnson J.A., Athrey G., Anderson C.M., Bell D.A., Dixon A., Kumazawa Y., Maechtle T., Meeks G.W., Mindell D., Nakajima K., Novak B., Talbot S., White C. and Zhan X. (2023) Whole genome survey reveals extensive variation in genetic diversity and inbreeding levels among Peregrine Falcon subspecies. Ecology and Evolution 13 (7) e10347.
Nakajima K. (2022) Mountain hawk-eagle in Japan. The Journal of the British Falconers’ Club (The Falconer) 2022: 75-83.
Nakajima K. (2022) Japanese falconry: Takagari. The Journal of the British Falconers’ Club (The Falconer) 2022: 172-181.
中島京也. (2022) 海外で出版された専門書で紹介されている河鍋洞郁(暁斎)画「絵本鷹かがみ」,河鍋暁斎研究誌「暁斎」131 : 34-36.
Nakajima K. (2020) Falconry in Japan. Big changes before and after Ehon Takakagami (late 19th century). In: Grimm,O., Gersmann, K.H. & Tropato, A.L. (eds.), Raptor on the fist – falconry, its imagery and similar motifs throughout the millennia on a global scale. pp 1015-1037, Wachholtz Verlag, Kiel.
Yokoyama Y., Nakajima K., Mutsuda M. and Kumazawa Y. (2020) DNA barcoding and population genetic analyses of falconiform and accipitriform raptors in Central Japan. Bulletin of Nagoya Biodiversity Center 7: 1-14.
横山悠理,中島京也,陸田径典,熊澤慶伯. (2020) 名古屋周辺ワシタカ類のDNAバーコーディングと集団遺伝解析,なごやの生物多様性 7 : 1-14.
Nakajima K. (2019) Current status of the northern goshawk in Japan: No longer an endangered species. The International Journal of Falconry 2019: 24-25.
Nakajima K. (2018) Japanese falconry from a practical point of view. In: Gersmann, K.H. & Grimm, O. (eds.), Raptor and human - falconry and bird symbolism throughout the millennia on a global scale. pp 127-140, Wachholtz Murmann Publishers, Kiel.
Nakajima K. (2016) Falconry as local knowledge and application to conservation system. The International Journal of Falconry 2016: 32-37.
Nakajima K. (2015) Mountain Hawk-eagle in Japan. The International Journal of Falconry 2015: 28-32.
Nakajima K., et al. (2014) Rescue works for injured Japanese birds of prey with falconry technique and the track of recovered birds with GPS-TX, Ornithological Science 13: 174.
Nakajima K. (2012) Rescue works for Japanese birds of prey with falconry techniques. The International Journal of Falconry 2012: 66-69.
Nakajima K. (2009) Traditional Japanese falconry equipments and application on the conservation of birds of prey. The International Journal of Falconry 2009: 28-35.
Nakajima K. (2009) Japanese falconry and its contribution to the conservation of birds of prey. The Falconers & Raptor Conservation Magazine 78: 26-29.
Nakajima, K. (2020) Falconry as conservation tool for injured wild birds of prey, Seminar on Raptor Conservation, Falconry as Conservation & Biodiversity Tool, Lahore, Pakistan.
Nakajima, K. (2020) Falconry as conservation tool for injured wild birds of prey, Pakistan National Strategic Workshop, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Nakajima, K., et al. (2019) Research and conservation of birds of prey by falconers, Workshop at 11th The Asian Raptor Research and Conservation Network Symposium, Denpasar, Indonesia.
中島京也 他 (2019) クマタカ生息域内のサシバ営巣地の一例, 日本鳥学会大会
中島京也 他 (2019) 山間部にあるサシバ繁殖地の一例, 第1回国際サシバサミット
Nakajima, K. (2019) Panelist for the session on the status of wildlife conservation in the Asia-Pacific region, International conference “Crossroads - Leading the Way for Wildlife Conservation”, Windhoek, Namibia.
Johnson, J.A., Nakajima, K., et al. (2018) Whole Genome Sequencing Reveals Subspecies Taxonomic Affinities for Peregrine Falcon, Raptor Research Foundation Conference 2018, Kruger National Park, South Africa.
中島京也 他 (2018) 猛禽類観察でのドローンの有効性(クマタカ営巣地での使用例), 日本鳥学会大会
Nakajima, K. (2018) Falconry in Japan, Outline of history, style, features and current situation, 1st Chinese Falconry Culture and Heritage Conservation Festival, 北京, 中国
Nakajima, K. (2018) Falconry in Japan, Big change before and after Ehon Takakagami, Conference for the Raptor and Falconry Depictions throughout the Millennia on a Global Scale, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.
Nakajima, K., et al. (2017) An introduction to Japanese‘Ehon taka kagami’, Lecture program at International Festival of Falconry, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.
Nakajima, K., et al. (2017) Conservation of saker falcon, Side event at 12th Conference of Parties to the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals, Manila, Philippines.
Nakajima, K., et al. (2017) Contribution of falconers to the conservation of birds of prey in Asia, Workshop at 10th The Asian Raptor Research and Conservation Network Symposium, Davao, Philippines.
Nakajima, K., et al. (2017) Rescue operation for injured wild birds of prey in Japan with falconry technique, 10th The Asian Raptor Research and Conservation Network Symposium, Davao, Philippines.
Nakajima, K., et al. (2017) The result of rescue operation for injured peregrine falcon in Japan with falconry technique, 4th International Peregrine Conference, Budapest, Hungary.
中島京也 他 (2017) 猛禽類観察でのドローンの有効性(予備検討), 日本鳥学会大会
Nakajima, K., et al. (2016) Falconry and the saker falcon – Conservation challenges and sustainable use, IUCN World Conservation Congress, Honolulu, U.S.A.
Nakajima, K., et al. (2014) Rescue works for injured birds of prey in Japan with falconry skill, International Festival of Falconry, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.
Nakajima, K., et al. (2014) Rescue works for injured Japanese birds of prey with falconry technique and the track of recovered birds with GPS-TX, 26th International Ornithological Congress, Tokyo.
中島京也 (2012) 自然環境の保護と猛禽類の保護活動,なごや環境大学共育講座
中島京也 (2012) タカの保護活動,尾張旭市民講座,尾張旭市生涯学習フェスティバル
Nakajima, K., et al. (2011) Rescue works for Japanese birds of prey with falconry skill, International Festival of Falconry, Al Ain, U.A.E.
中島京也 他 (2010) 傷病猛禽類保護に対する愛知県との協働活動の効果, 日本鳥学会大会
中島京也 他 (2009) 日本ワシタカ研究センターにおける傷病猛禽類の保護状況, 日本鳥学会大会
Nakajima, K., et al. (2009) Conservation works by The Japan Falconiformes Center, International Festival of Falconry, Englefield, U.K.
Nakajima, K., et al. (2007) Conservation works by falconry skill, International Festival of Falconry, Englefield, U.K.
中島京也 他 (2006) 外来種猛禽類の発見状況,日本鳥学会大会
中島欣也 他 (2005) チョウゲンボウの巣箱を鉄塔に設置してカラスを排除,日本鳥学会大会
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中島欣也 他 (2002) 地形解析によるクマタカ調査支援システムの開発,日本鳥学会大会
中島欣也 他 (2001) ビデオ録画を用いたクマタカ雌雄の行動特性解析,日本鳥学会大会
中島欣也 (2000) 日本における猛禽類保護の問題点,猛禽類保護セミナー
中島欣也 他 (1999) クマタカとトンネル工事との共存事例,日本鳥学会大会
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中島欣也 他 (1997) 補強改修した巣でのクマタカの繁殖例(2),日本鳥学会大会
中島欣也 他 (1996) 補強改修した巣でのクマタカの繁殖例(1),日本鳥学会大会
Nakajima, K. (1996) Repairing a hawk-eagle’s nest at a dam lake,2nd International Conference on Raptors, Urbino University, Italy.
中島欣也 (1993) 趾の鱗状区画によるワシタカ類の個体識別と簡便な記録方法,日本鳥学会大会
Nakajima, K. (1985) An approach to the artificial breeding of haggard goshawk, Raptor Research Foundation Symposium on the Management of Birds of Prey, Sacramento, U.S.A.